I recently had a chance to read an amazing book “The Magic Of Thinking Big” written by David Schwartz. A book that will give you a new perspective to look at things, life and yourself. It’s a boost of positivity and reminds you – you can do all the amazing things you had dreamt of as a child and gives some important life lessons which I want to share with you all.
1. Believe you can succeed and you will.
Belief is a power. Belief in great results in the driving force, the power behind all the great books, plays, scientific discoveries. Belief you can succeed and you will
Belief, the “I’m-positive-I-can” attitude, generates the power, skill, energy needed to do. When you believe I-can-do-it, how to do-it develops.
The size of success is directly proportional to the size of your belief.
2. Never ever sell yourself short.
You are what you think. You are better than you think you are.

Stop underestimating yourself. Stop overestimating the others. Believe in yourself and world in believe in you.
3. Win people.
Remember people by their name. Pronounce people name correctly. Pronounce people’s name the way they pronounce it.
Show appreciation to people at every opportunity – When a team-mate does well, appreciate them. When someone brings a coffee for you, thank them. When someone opens a door for you, thank them.
Talk positively about people. Remember people by their positives not by their negative points. If you are discussing person A with someone, try and tell as many positives about person A as you can.
4. Manage your environment
Don’t let small-thinking people – you can-t-do-it people or suppressive negative force hold you back. You can do anything in life. You can be anything you want to be.
Feed your mind with good, positive thoughts about yourself and about others. Don’t let any negative thoughts stay in your mind for long periods of time.
5. Be a crusader
Take action, get things done, follow through ideas and plan. Don’t postpone things.Don’t find reasons why not to do something.

Don’t wait for perfect timing/conditions. There is no perfect time, no perfect age to start anything. Start working towards your goals, meet the obstacles as they arrive.
6. Think big. Think Positive.
“Make your mind produce positive thoughts.”
Develop the big thinker’s vocabulary – Use big, positive cheerful word’s to describe how you feel , describe other people and encourage others. When in doubt or nervous or before anything big in life give yourself a pep talk.
Practice adding value to things, people and others. Be the version of yourself.
Don’t fall into the triviality trap. Think about things that really matter.
Be focused and believe you can achieve what you want to. Make a plan to achieve your goal. If plan A does not work, take a second route, but keep working towards your goal.
7. Think right towards people
Be a warm person, easy-going person. Recognize the fact that no person is perfect and people have a right to be different. Learn to appreciate and accept people who look at things differently than you do.
Don’t be a reformer. You have to correct people at the smallest of their mistakes. If some make mistakes in grammar, it’s okay. You don’t have to correct them at every point. Find qualities to like and admire in a person, not dislike.
Practice conversation generosity. Encourage others to talk. Let the other people talk to you about his view’s, his opinions, his accomplishments.
8. Use your goals
Surrender yourself to your goals. Let your goal absorb you. Give your best. Give your 100% in whatever you do. Eat well and exercise. Write out your ten-year plan. And work on it. Let the goal be your automatic pilot. Invest in yourself, education and ideas. Take one step towards your goal, regardless of how small it may seem, you’ll find yourself making the right decision to reach your goal.
9. Turn defeat into victory
Be constructively self-critical. Know your negative and try to improve yourself.
Blaming others is destructive. Don’t blame others when you receive a setback. You gain absolutely nothing from “proving” that someone else is wrong. Learn your setbacks. Find the good side in every situation.
When you lose, you learn.
10. Think like a leader
- Trade minds with the people you want to influence. Think from others perspective.
- Push others for progress. Think improvement in everything you do. Think of high standards in everything you do.
- Think what is the human way to handle any unpleasant situation.
- Be a good listener. Hear your subordinates. Wish good for everyone.
An amazing book to read. It’s a boost of positivity. You’ll start believing more in yourself. You’ll be more positive towards life and more happy. You definitely gain something by reading the book.
“Believe, really believe, you can move a mountain, and you can.”
Do consider reading this book, it’ll change your outlook towards life.