I recently completed my Sitecore XM Cloud certification, and I am excited to share my knowledge through a series of blog posts. In this post, I discuss some common terminologies used in XM Cloud. In a previous blog, I covered the Introduction to XM Cloud. Stay tuned for more insights on XM Cloud in my upcoming […]
Working with Apache NIFI What is Nifi? Apache Nifi is a software used to automate the flow of data between systems. It is a Java program that runs within a Java virtual machine running on a server. When we talk about between the system, then what does it actually mean? The concept is very simple. […]
My Experience with the XM Cloud Developer Certification Exam I recently appeared for the XM Cloud Developer Certification exam and am excited to share my experience with you. In this blog, I aim to provide details on study materials, the exam’s difficulty level, the steps to purchase the exam, and some notes to help you […]
Introduction In software development, software is made up of different parts and it is necessary to ensure all of them meet their intended purpose. There is an equally important pillar that is frequently overlooked – database testing. Database testing is used to verify the schema, table, triggers etc of the database for the purpose of […]
What is an Edge Case? Bugs that are uncommon to users are known as edge cases. It is a problem which effect only a subset of end users. Edge Cases in software testing verifies if software handles unexpected situations gracefully and ensures reliability and robustness of the system. These scenarios occur when users leave the […]
After a gap of nearly 1.5 years, Sitecore has unveiled a feature-rich version of its XM/XP platform with the release of Sitecore XP 10.4. This eagerly anticipated update follows the launch of Sitecore 10.3 in December 2022. As an enthusiastic Sitecore developer, I’m thrilled to delve into the latest advancements introduced in Sitecore XP 10.4. […]
It’s evident that during code reviews, there’s often a need to remind team members to adhere to established best practices within our project, team, or company. This process recurs with each new addition to the team. However, we can significantly streamline these efforts by implementing editor configurations, particularly within Visual Studio. These configurations serve as […]
Content Profiling We have setup Profile Personas, Profile and Pattern Cards in my previous blog. Now, It’s time to assign these profile cards to Sitecore contents to identify customer’s behavior. Now open the page in experience editor where you want to assign the profile. Navigate to the Ribbon and select the Optimization tab. Then, click on […]
In my previous blog, I discussed on building and creating custom personalization rules to meet specific business requirements. In this part of personalization series, we will discuss more about personalization using Sitecore Profiles, Personas and Patterns. In this article, we’ll dive into the essential components of Sitecore profiling that allow you to comprehend visitor behavior and leverage […]
In my previous blog, I detailed the setup and management of the out-of-the-box (OOTB) personalization feature within a component. Today, I delve deeper into building and creating custom personalization rules to meet specific business requirements. Sitecore’s architecture offers the flexibility needed for this scenario, allowing for the extension and implementation of custom rules as required. […]