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Automate deployment (CI/CD) of React JS application in AWS by using CodePipeline and EBS

Development Technology

Overview To set the expectations of the readers, first of all, this article is meant for developers/technical managers, who are beginners in AWS and want to automate React JS application’s deployment by using AWS CodePipeline. This article is meant to provide instructions for setting up only development and test environments, pipelines. Please do not follow […]

Sitecore Connect

Development Software Development

Sitecore Intergrations and Connectors Sitecore is a rich platform with extensible integrations that preserve the connected experience for the next emerging channel. Sitecore Connectors are prepackaged integration products that deliver out-of-the-box functionality so you benefit from the integration immediately. They also allow for customization to fit your specific needs. Each connector is built on a […]

Sitecore Search Powered By AI


AI-powered Sitecore Search   Sitecore has launched a new product called ‘Sitecore search’ powered by AI. Now a days, there is huge CMS content and digital search transformation. To overcome this issue,   Sitecore has added the feature to anticipate the customer search  and show what is relevant to them. This means it will fetch the […]
