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Blazor WebAssembly

Software Development

Blazor allows developers to create single-page applications (SPAs) using C# and .NET utilising a component-based architecture. Blazor WebAssembly is a client-side in-browser implementation of Blazor which includes a .NET runtime implemented in WebAssembly. Running .NET code inside web browsers is made possible by WebAssembly (wasm). WebAssembly is a compact bytecode format optimized for fast download and maximum execution speed. […]

Blazor Server

Software Development

This type of application executes fully on the server within the ASP.NET Core application. To communicate with the HTML, the server-side application uses SignalR. This is provided through the JavaScript file called blazor.server.js. The server-side code was communicating with the client-side code in real time using SignalR. the benefit of this type of application is that the […]


Software Development

1.0 What is Camunda Camunda is an open-source workflow and decision automation platform. It is developed in Java and released as open-source software under the terms of Apache License on August 2013. It provides a Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) standard compliant workflow engine and a Decision Model and Notation (DMN) standard compliant decision […]

Digital Body Language

communication tools message clarity

Many people are fully aware of how their body language can communicate their feelings and emotions to the outside world, whether intentionally or not. For instance, crossed arms might signal defensiveness, consistent eye contact can relay a sense of confidence, and leaning forward can suggest engagement and interest. It might be a surprise to see […]

Azure Cosmos DB

Azure Cosmos DB with cityscape

Azure Cosmos DB is a fully managed globally distributed multi master replication NoSQL database. Its’s designed for high scale global replication low latency database.  It has excellent response times and 99.999% availability. Key Features Global Distribution: Distributed across all major regions in Azure across the globe. Regional Presence: It is available in all regions where […]
